About Tool Slick

I launched Tool Slick in August 19, 2017 in hopes of creating a platform that catered to the needs of the every day internet user (like myself). When Joel Spolsky (founder of Stack Overflow) announced Trello he had no idea of how he would make money from it. What he did know was that if the platform gained a lot of users they would definitely figure out a way to earn money.

While I could not afford to look past the monetary aspects of it, I did agree wholeheartedly that the main focus should be on users. So, I wanted to solve real world problems. These did not have to be unsolved problems. For as you must have noticed, most of the tools on the site are also available elsewhere. What could I do differently? Why would people choose Tool Slick over other competitors? Can I really be "10 times better than the competition"? Questions I still ask myself..

Back in mid to late 2000s, I had a platform called Maxotek which I used to sell my software products online. It was a small amount compared to my current day job. But, for a student that was more than enough. The internet was such a game changer. You didn't need a lot of capital to setup a business and be successful. I did not put any money on Maxotek. But, I did put a lot of effort into it. Starting with Free Hosting that required me to contribute on a forum with healthy discussions, to shared hosting which I could pay for using the money earned by selling software, joining a company, coming back to entrepreneurship..

My journey is still going on, thanks for being a part of it!

03/18/2025 06:45:22
© 2017 - 2025 - Tool Slick