Use this Tool to perform K-Modes clustering online. Just upload your data set, select the number of clusters (k) and hit the Cluster button.
Perform k- means clustering. you can select the number of clusters and initialization method.
View ToolK Modes is a clustering algorithm used in machine learning. It is a variation of k-Means algorithm and uses mode as opposed to mean to perform the clustering. k-Modes is not restricted to numerical values as calculation of modes do not require numeric operations.
Settings Explained
1. Number of Clusters (K)
The number of clusters
2. Has Header Record
If selected, the first row is considered as a header
3. Seeding
The initializing technique for the clustering algorithm
Uses the k-means++ algorithm to select the initial centroids
Randomly select initial centroids
Use the PAM BUILD algorithm for selecting initial centroids
- Mar 29, 2019
- Tool Launched
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