BCD to Hex Converter

Sep 9, 2018

BCD to Hex Converter is used to convert a Binary Coded Decimal number into Hex format

Input: Paste BCD numbers below (1 per line if multiple)

Conversion from BCD to Hex

A BCD can be converted to Hex using these steps:-

  1. Break the BCD into nibbles
  2. Convert each nibble into decimal digit
  3. Combine the digits to form the decimal number
  4. Convert the decimal number into binary
  5. Combine the binary number into Hexadecimal

Example BCD to Hex Conversion

Let's say your BCD value is 100100010001, and you want to convert it to its hex form.

  1. Step 1: Break the BCD into nibbles: 1001 0001 0001
  2. Step 2: Convert each nibble into decimal digits
    • 1001 becomes 9
    • 0001 becomes 1
    • 0001 becomes 1
  3. Step 3: Combine the decimal digits: 911
  4. Step 4: Convert decimal to binary: 1110001111
  5. Step 5: Convert binary to hex: 38F

Binary Coded Decimal

Binary Coded Decimal or BCD is a set of binary encodings for decimal numbers used in early digital computers. In BCD, a binary sequence is used to represent each digit of the source decimal number


Hexadecimal is a numeric system widely used by systems designers and computer programmers. It contains 16 symbols from 0 to 9 and A to F, thus having a base of 16.

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