NOR Calculator

Sep 5, 2018

Online calculator for bitwise NOR operation on text in ASCII or numbers in Binary, Octal, Decimal, & Hex formats.

Multiple input numbers (even greater than 2) are supported by applying bitwise operations successively on the intermediate results.

Input: Paste numbers or text below (at least two, 1 per line or separated by space, comma or semi-colon)


Binary Result:
The result of NOR operation in Binary
Octal Result:
The result of NOR operation in Octal
Decimal Result:
The result of NOR operation in Decimal
Hex Result:
The result of NOR operation in Hex
Ascii Result:
The result of NOR operation in Ascii
Input Base:
The base of the input numbers either explicitly specified or automatically detected

Perform binary bitwise o r operation on text in a s c i i or numbers in binary, octal, decimal and hex formats

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About NOR Calculation

NOR is a digital logic gate that outputs true or 1 only when the two binary bit inputs to it are 0 or LOW.

NOR is like AND gate with all the inputs inverted. Checkout the Truth Table below for more information on the results.

What can you do with this tool?

Well, simply put it you can use it to do bitwise NOR calc online. The tool supports inputs in the common numerical bases Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hex & even ASCII. That means you can also NOR hex values or NOR strings in ASCII. This is done by first converting the inputs into their Binary equivalents then performing the NOR operation on them. Finally, the results are returned in all of the above numerical bases so that you can pick whichever ones you want.

Intermediate Calculation

The intermediate results are shown in a tabular format which can help you diagnose any problems you encountered while doing a manual NOR operation. In this table, your inputs are shown in their original form. If the input base is not binary then each translation of the inputs to binary is also shown in a different column.

Settings Explained
  • 1. Input Base

    Choose the base of the input numbers

    Auto Detect

    In this mode, number base is automatically detected based on the input provided

    Binary (base 2)

    NOR two binary numbers

    1000 ⊽ 1111 = 0
    Octal (base 8)

    NOR two octal numbers

    1000 ⊽ 7777 = 0
    Decimal (base 10)

    NOR two decimal numbers

    1000 ⊽ 9999 = 6160
    Hex (base 16)

    NOR two hex numbers

    1000 ⊽ FFFF = 0
    Ascii (base 256)

    NOR two ascii strings

    a ⊽ B = 
  • 2. Delimiter

    Choose the delimiter used to separate each item

  • 3. Auto Cleansing

    If selected, automatic cleansing is performed on the data

  • 4. Calculate Intermediate Results

    If selected, intermediate results are calculated (takes more time)

NOR Truth Table
Boolean Operations
Bit Operations
Comments 0

Mar 25, 2018
Tool Launched