This tool takes a decimal number and converts it to a percentage.
- Percentage:
Decimal value in percentage..
Percentage is the representation of a ratio as a fraction of 100. The symbol % is suffixed to values to clearly indicate that they are percentages. The earliest usage of percentages was to levy taxes in Ancient rome.
Decimal is the numeric system most used by us humans. It consists of the Hindu-Arabic numerals, a set of 10 digits from 0 to 9.
- Formula
Expressing a number as a percentage is very simple. All you have to do is multiply it by 100.
Percentage = `d * 100`
- d = decimal number
- Alternative Option
The other option is to just shift the decimal point two places to the right.
- 0.001 → 0.01
- 0.01 → 0.1
- Add a percent sign at the end: 0.1%
- Answer: 0.1%
- Example
Suppose we want to convert 0.001 to it's percent form. Then, according to the formula:-
- `d * 100`
- `0.001 * 100`
- Percentage = `0.1`
Decimal to Percent Conversion Table
Decimal | Percent |
0.001 | 0.1% |
0.002 | 0.2% |
0.003 | 0.3% |
0.004 | 0.4% |
0.005 | 0.5% |
0.01 | 1% |
0.02 | 2% |
0.03 | 3% |
0.04 | 4% |
0.05 | 5% |
0.1 | 10% |
0.2 | 20% |
0.3 | 30% |
0.4 | 40% |
0.5 | 50% |
1 | 100% |
2 | 200% |
3 | 300% |
4 | 400% |
5 | 500% |
Other Variations
- Oct 12, 2021
- Tool Launched
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