TEXT Tools - Tag
Convert lyrics file from d o c x to s r t ( sub rip) format
Find and remove duplicate lines from text in a case sensitive or insensitive manner, remove empty lines, trim whitespace & sort lines
Extract all email addresses from text
Join lines of string by removing line breaks or newlines and adding a delimiter (default space) of your choice between each line
Sort lines of text alphabetically or using natural sort. lines can also be reversed, randomized or sorted by length of characters
Replace newline characters by space
Replace space characters by newlines
Replace x number of contiguous spaces to tabs
Convert subtitles or lyrics from s r t ( sub rip) to plain text format by removing timestamps and other effects
Convert multiline string into code that can be used inside programming language
Automatically transcribe, translate, synchronize and burn subtitles into video files
Replace all tab characters in a text into one or more spaces
Invert the case of each character in the source input
Randomize the case of each character in the source input
Split any text or string into multiple lines by a delimiter of your choice
Convert any text into it's lowercase form
Intelligently convert any text into title case
Convert any text into it's uppercase form
Truncate individual lines of text to any length
Convert lyrics file from t x t to s r t ( sub rip) format
Extract all u r ls from text or h t m l
Encode any text in u t f-8
Remove either redundant or all whitespaces (space, tab and newline) from a string and return a single line string